what makes Organically Satisfied special?

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Organically Satisfied– it’s a product born of love, care and real talk. Our lubricant is a natural and organic personal care product developed to ease the discomforts of personal dryness often experienced during menopause. While the vaginal dryness associated with menopause was our inspiration, we recommend Organically Satisfied for a number of intimate encounters! Our product is aloe based, and includes on eight ingredients. We don’t want you standing in the feminine hygiene aisle trying to hide from other shoppers while you decipher what the heck is in those neon colored bottles! Our product is clear, clean, discreet and delivered to your door.

Don’t let hormone changes, medication side effects, hysterectomies or other situations where dryness causes discomfort stop you from enjoying your body the way it was designed to bring pleasure. Let’s be frank, nobody likes talking about this, but we feel it’s important enough we should strip away the awkwardness in the conversation and just get to the solution!